How to set up W3 Total Cache — WordPress

Here I’ll go over how to set up W3 Total Cache on a Shared server and on a VPS or Dedicated Server.  While the process is very similar, there is one specific difference; one shared, you will cache to disk, on VPS and Dedicated, you will cache to memcache. If you have a VPS or […]

How to Optimize Images — WordPress

This is a guide on how to optimize images.  While this is specifically for a wordpress site, the main principles can be applied to other site builders as well.  One of the biggest reasons I see sites have issues loading slow or crashing a server is from huge page sizes.  The majority of the time […]

How to Restore a Backup — VPS and Dedicated

If you need to restore a full backup of your account, a great way to restore is from the WHM in your restore tools.  Depending on wither you are using Backup Config or Legacy Backup Config, you will need to access the WHM and choose which backup and user you want to restore from. Once […]

Easy Apache — VPS and Dedicated

Easy Apache is a Powerful tool that you can use from your cPanel that will allow you to change you version of Apache or php, enable and disable modules such as Ioncube loader, memcache, or zendgaurd.  Here is cpanels documentation on it: So the first thing you’ll need to do is log into your WHM: […]

How to Migrate WordPress

To migrate WordPress is a fairly easy process.  There are 5 basic steps you’ll want to follow. Download your wp-content directory Export your database Install WordPress to the New Site Upload your wp-content directory Import your database First Step Download your wp-content directory.  Easiest way to do this is to connect to your account via […]

How to connect with FTP

So if you need to download or upload files or directories, FTP is your best solution.  It’s an easy way to help manage your account.  You’ll need a few things in order to begin, an FTP client (I use Filezilla), your username, and your server IP addresss. To download Filezilla, go here: To find your […]